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Eurochambers: European Business and Technology Centre in India takes first steps

The Financial - India received plenty of international media coverage these last few months.

The Financial - India received plenty of international media coverage these last few months. First, there were the cruel attacks in Mumbai hitting the Indian society at large. Better news came some weeks later from Hollywood, where the movie "Slumdog Millionaire" received eight Academy Awards. Meanwhile, also Eurochambers has been intensively involved with India, by setting up the European Business and Technology Centre (EBTC).

EBTC reflects a new type of initiatives developed by the European Union. The Centre is expected to develop and enhance the commercial and research/technology relations between India and Europe, with a view to promote EU interests in India and respond to the demands of the Indian market.

"The ambition is to develop a Centre that will become a reference point for promoting European clean technologies in India, and will be recognised for the quality of its services, its knowledge of the Indian market and its capacity to reach out to the entire European business and research community," said Secretary General Arnaldo Abruzzini.

The Centre will operate on a demand-driven basis, even if priority actions will carefully reflect the EU-India policy agenda. Activities will be implemented in synergy with the numerous existing initiatives on the ground (bilateral Chambers, national and regional promotion offices, research and business school alliances, etc.).

The EBTC will focus its initiatives in four selected sectors: energy, environment, biotechnology and transport. Market access will also be a major focus throughout the programme. Hopefully, this will help European businesses reap the commercial opportunities connected to the broader fight against climate change, and be successful in one of the most promising markets of the future: India.

The Centre has now started its operations from its head office in New Delhi and sub-offices in Mumbai and Bangalore. Also, the first Project Advisory Committee, Service Providers Pool Meeting and Indian Counterpart Committee took place on 24-25 February in New Delhi. The objective of these meetings was to review the overall strategy and activities of the Centre activities and to discuss its possible cooperation with Member States and Indian organisations.

The Centre is only just taking its first steps, but is already set to become a success story. After all, the secret for success - for the EBTC just like for the young Jamal who ultimately becomes a millionaire - is simple: it's about doing what's right, the right way, at the right time.

Source: Finchannel. com

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