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Frontiers of Fundamental and Computational Physics

The Frontiers of Fundamental Physics Symposium series, of which the conveener and co-chairman is B.G. Sidharth, is organized under the agis of B.M. Birla Science Centre. Different editions have been held in Hyderabad (India), Udine (Italy), Waterloo (Canada) and Madrid (Spain). The symposia have been distinguished by the fact that several Nobel Laureates and other physicists of equal eminents from all over the world have participated over the years. The first five editions were in Hyderabad, the sixth and ninth editions were in Udine. The next edition will be held in Perth (Australia) in November 2010. The proceedings of almost all these symposia were published by Universities Press (Orient Longman), Kluwer, Springer and American Institute of Physics.

VI Frontiers of Fundamental and Computational Physics
Udine, 26-29 September 2004

The Sixth International Symposium aimed at providing a platform for a wide range of physicists to meet and share thoughts on the latest trends in various, mainly cross-diciplinary research areas. Topics included the exploration of frontiers lines in High Energy Physics, Theoretical Physics, Gravitaion and Cosmology, Astrophysics, Condensed Matter Physics, Fluid Mechanics. Such frontier lines were unified by the use of computers as a, often primary, research instrument, or dealing with issues related to information theory. Invited talks included special lectures from the Nobel Laureates Leon N. Cooper and Gerard 't Hooft. These a part were invited talks, contributed papers and a poster session. Leading physicists from all over the world including the likes so Yuval Ne'eman and Walter Greiner and several others participated in the symposium. The proceedings were published by Springer Verlag.

Website: http://www.fisica.uniud.it/ffp6/

IX Frontiers of Fundamental and Computational Physics
Udine, 7-9 January 2008  

The aim of the Ninth International Symposium was to provide a platform for scientists involved in new developments of physics and computational techniques, with attention to the dissemination of scientific results. Topics included selected subjects from Theoretical Physics, Gravitation and Cosmology, High Energy Physics and Astrophysics, Condensed Matter Physics, Fluid Mechanics, and Computational Phyisics in general. There were special invited talks by talks Nobel Laureates Sir Harry Kroto, Anthony J. Leggett, and Douglas D. Osheroff. These a part there were invited talks by eminent physicists like Walter Griener and others. Finally there were contributed papers and also a poster session was planned. There were physicists from Asia, Africa, USA, Europe, South and elsewhere. The proceedinggs were published by the America Institute of Physics.

Website: http://agenda.fisica.uniud.it/difa/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=9





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