Udine & India

Research projects in applicable mathematics and information sciences

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ICT for EU-India Cross-Cultural Dissemination

This three year project has been approved by the European Commission in the framework of the second call of the EU-India Economic Cross-Cultural Programme. The project, coordinated by the University of Udine started in January 2004 and ended in December 2006.

The project aimed to lay the foundations for a wider co-operation among the University of Udine, the University of Valencia and the B.M. Birla Science Centre, in areas such as 3D technologies, digital libraries, interactive and intelligent information, technology transfer from the academic world to industry, e-governance and heritage.

The target groups were academics, research workers and post-graduates in ICT, businesses, professionals and experts in ICT, chief executives from central and state government agencies.

The project focused on workgroups, post-graduates and experts exchange, workshops, conferences. In order to disseminate the results of the project a digital platform was developed. The network has been the catalyst for the establishment at the end of the activities of a “Virtual Centre for Knowledge Dissemination”.

Website: http://euindia.dimi.uniud.it/

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