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Research projects in applicable mathematics and information sciences

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International Institute for Applicable Mathematics and Information Sciences

The International Institute for Applicable Mathematics and Information Sciences (IIAMIS) is grafted on a number of initiatives both research and higher education conducted since 1999 jointly by partners leader, University of Udine and B.M. Birla Science Centre, in the field of applied mathematics and computer science technologies. 

The IIAMIS is funded by the Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research (MIUR) in the framework of the FIRB Programme (project RBIN04M8S8). The institutions involved are: University of Udine; University of Bologna; University of Siena; Scuola Normale Superiore Pisa; B.M. Birla Science Centre, Hyderabad; Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad; Centre for Development of Advanced Computing, Hyderabad; Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai.

The main goals of the IIAMIS are:
1) establishing a trans-cultural community of developers and users of tools for the dissemination of knowledge, including the institutions involved in the project as well as other public institutions, centres, research firms and trade associations, both in Europe and in India;
2) customizing, test, verify and manage software and network infrastructures (i.e. portals, search engines intelligent, knowledge centres, etc.);
3) enhancing the dissemination, pooling and use of data, information, and knowledge, among academia, research centres and industry (especially SMEs).

More specifically the activities of the IIAMIS are:
1) joint research projects in the emerging areas of applicable mathematics and Informations sciences such as web technologies, information filtering, virtual reality, verification and validation, computational physics;
2) technology transfer of innovative web-enabled technologies to small-medium enterprices;
3) joint-conducting of post-graduate level training programmes in areas of information sciences and applicable mathematics;
4) coordinate student internships in companies for the dissemination of web-enabled technologies. 

Website: http://iiamis.dimi.uniud.it


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