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Joint Master Programme in Information Technology

This programme has been officially included by the Italian Ministry of Education in 2002 in its Internationalisation programme. It was run independently at Udine and Hyderabad, but it awarded a joint degree. Students and teachers mobility was provided in both directions. The four-year programme aimed to train personnel to place them within companies in the most innovative sectors of research and development in information technology. Special attention was devoted to Internet-related technologies, e-business, multimedia, and human factors in computer science. The programme included an extended internship to be carried out by the students in IT companies. During the project six international internships have been organized in Udine. This was a very innovative contribution in cross-cultural fertilization.

First edition: 2002/2003
Students: Akkellikar Madhav, Hussain Shaikh Azmath, Kishan Rao Tankasala, Mohammed Nayeemullah, Pochiraju Srinivas, Sri Usha Vegesna. 

Second edition: 2003/2004
Students: Leonori Elisa, Maraspin Stefano, Paolini Marco, Trapasso Giampaolo, Arikacherla Venkat Ramesh Babu, Hashmi Syed Uzair Daanish, Syeda Koukab Urooj.

Third edition: 2004/2005
Students: Avoledo Caterina, Francesconi Mauro, Micossi Fabio, Pozzobon Daniele, Salvagni Miro, Strangolino Giacomo.

Fourth edition: 2005/2006
Students: Cantarutti Enrico, Della Rovere Lorenzo, Gambera Alessandro, Merugu Venkata Ramana, Mohammad Zafar Uddin Zeeshan, Kolaventy Srikanth.

Website: http://hcilab.uniud.it/masterIT/

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